Betty Birchman's Letters

Betty Birchman
© Queen Margaret School Archives, Duncan, BC, Canada
Miss Elizabeth [Betty] Birchman, a survivor from ss CITY OF CAIRO, No.7 lifeboat, sent letters to the Ellerman Hall Line on 21st April 1943.
In the first she expresses her gratitude to the Hall Line and in particular to 2nd officer Leslie Boundy whom she credits for delivering them safely from their dreadful ordeal. The letter was forwarded to Mr. Boundy with the grateful thanks of the Ellerman Hall Line.
She also writes to the company to bring to their attention her gratitude in the way Dr. Douglas Quantrill performed his duties as Officer in Charge at St Helena [after Capt. Rogerson left] and for his work aboard TSS NESTOR on their journey home. Transcripts of the letters are shown below.
I am very grateful to
, and for permission to show them on this site.Carey Pallister of B.C. Canada has researched a more comprehensive account of Betty's life - you can read it on my Facebook link here: Betty Birchman

Dear Sir,
We have pleasure in enclosing extract from a letter we have received from Miss Elizabeth A. Birchman, who was one of the survivors from the "CITY OF CAIRO" when that vessel was torpedoed and sunk.
You will observe that Miss Birchman speaks very highly of the ability you displayed in handling the lifeboat and your kindness to all the people in it, including herself.
We are very glad to have an Officer in our Company complimented in such terms, and we take this opportunity of thanking you ourselves for the valuable services you rendered on that unfortunate occasion.
Yours faithfully, HALL LINE LIMITED
Extract from letter received by the Hall Line Ltd. Liverpool, from Miss E.A. Birchman, survivor ex the "CITY OF CAIRO", dated 21st April, 1943.
"As a survivor of the s.s. "CITY OF CAIRO" I would like to take this opportunity of expressing my grateful thanks to the Hall Line for all the kindness and consideration shown to me during my stay on the Island of St. Helena.
At the same time I should like to take this opportunity of trying to convey to you in some small measure, the outstanding display of navigation and valour shown by Mr. Leslie Boundy, 2nd Officer ex the "CITY OF CAIRO". Words can never express how much Mr. Boundy did for us during our dreadful ordeal.
I had (if such a term could be expressed) the "honour" to be in his lifeboat and I have never yet met a man with more sterling qualities – such steadfastness to duty and such consideration for others.
The morale of our lifeboat was excellent – thanks only to Mr. Boundy. Never once during all the 13 hazardous days did Mr. Boundy ever allow us to lose heart and it is thanks to his wonderful feat of seamanship that we sighted the Island before being picked up."
Extract from letter received by the Hall Line Ltd. Liverpool, from Miss E.A. Birchman, survivor ex the "CITY OF CAIRO", dated 21st April, 1943.
"As a survivor of the s.s. "CITY OF CAIRO" I would like to take this opportunity of expressing my grateful thanks to the Hall Line for all the kindness and consideration shown to me during my stay on the Island of St. Helena.
At the same time too I would like you to know how well Dr. Douglas Quantrill, Surgeon ex "CITY OF CAIRO", performed his duties as Officer in Charge at St. Helena. It was no easy task but what befell him to do he did most willingly. On the TSS "NESTOR" he did very excellent work with regard to clothing for us, and I, like a great many more, am exceedingly grateful for his medical attention and innumerable kindnesses."