On this page, I would like to record photos or other information pertaining to the ship. I would welcome anything you would like to share. I do have photos on many of the other pages on the site and I hope you find them of interest.

Some of the survivors at St Helena
Copyright © Ralph Barker
Above from left to right: (standing) ; (middle row) ; (front row)

Leslie Boundy with daughters Pat and Daphne, MBE award at Buckingham Palace
Courtesy of Leslie's grandson Mark Wardel

Second Officer Leslie Boundy
Courtesy of Lorraine Leicester

Pictured outside Government House, St Helena
Courtesy of Lorraine Leicester
Above from left to right:

Dulcie Kendall and Colin
©Ralph Barker

Some of the children with their nurses outside the old civil hospital in St Helena
Courtesy of Lorraine Leicester

(D.E.M.S.) R.N. Gunner John V. Morris

Mr. John V. Morris in later life (2006)
I am very grateful to John's grandson
for the photos above. Sadly John passed away on Thursday 4th May 2006 aged 83. Very much missed by all his family and friends.
Margaret Gordon

James (Knocker) Whyte

Margaret Gordon
I am very grateful to Margaret Gordon's niece
for the photos of Margaret Gordon and James (Knocker) Whyte.Photo below from 1942 shows Dr. Quantrill and Third Officer Whyte with some of the CITY OF CAIRO's engineers. I think the 2nd engineer Bob Gerner is third from left and the 3rd, 4th and 5th engineers. Can you identify them?

Courtesy of Sarah Quantrill [Photo from 1942]

[Bottom up] 3/O Whyte, Dr. Quantrill and engineers
Courtesy of Sarah Quantrill

Unidentified crew members
Courtesy of Sarah Quantrill